Concrete Vibration Tool – The Concrete Vibrator

Concrete vibration tool

The concrete vibration tool, otherwise known as a concrete vibrator is used to help remove air from the concrete and to vibrate concrete into pockets or voids in formwork, like under door rebates, walls, footings, and thickenings.

If you are doing structural work you will need to use a concrete vibrator, as using a concrete vibration tool will also help maintain the MPa ( strength ) of the concrete.

What Is A Concrete Vibration Tool

A concrete vibration tool is a fuel, mains power, or battery-powered tool that is used to help with concrete placing.

Concrete vibration tools usually have a long shaft attached to a motor that drives a vibration to the end of the shaft.

By placing the shaft into the concrete and vibrating, the vibrations help the concrete settle and compact before starting its curing process.

The tool itself is easy to use and many of the battery-powered vibration units are very lightweight making this ideal for portability and everyday wear and tear on the body.

The concrete vibration tool

Why Use Is A Concrete Vibration Tool

Primarily a concrete vibration tool is used for 3 reasons…

Reasons to use a concrete vibration tool

  1. Remove air trapped in the concrete itself.
  2. Help the concrete reach its maximum strength rate.
  3. Help place concrete in hard to reach or out of sight places

How To Use Is A Concrete Vibration Tool

How to use a concrete vibration tool for concrete

Learning how to use a concrete vibration tool is easy and most of the time just a quick pull on the trigger.

Once you are ready for concrete and concrete is on its way you can get your concrete vibration tool out as this will speed up time later on.

As the concrete is poured onto the ground and into where it is going to be, use the vibrator to settle the concrete.

You will see the concrete move and usually a few air pockets rise to the surface.

Steps to use a concrete vibration tool

  1. Once the concrete has been poured and moved roughly into place Stick the shaft end of the vibrator into the concrete
  2. Pull the trigger and hold for one or two seconds.
  3. Remove the shaft by lifting up and out of the concrete, vibrate as you lift to ensure the air pocket is removed as you lift up.

For thicker walls that are over 400mm in height, I would recommend working up in layers and vibrating a little as you go. 

Do not fill walls to the top and then crank the vibrator up, as this will increase the chance of a blow out. Always in small bursts about 1 or 2 seconds long.

You will notice the concrete move and somewhat level as you vibrate, this is perfect, once it stops leveling, stop vibrating.

This will not take long. Continue in small bursts if needed to fill voids or air pockets under boards.

How Not To Use A Concrete Vibration Tool

I know I said these tools are easy to use but there is a few things you should never do, as this will increase the chance of cracks, patchy concrete and overall a weaker concrete pad.

How not to use a concrete vibration tool

  • Never over vibrate your concrete as this will start to separate the aggregates in the concrete.
  • Don’t drag the vibrator through the concrete as this can leave visible lines of separation later on.
  • Don’t Crank it full tit, Small bursts is best.

Best Concrete Vibration Tools

There are many good concrete vibration tools available from places like who have world wide delivery.

If you are needing a concrete vibration tool on a daily besses I would recommend to buy a gas powered vibrator.

These have more power and there is no power chord or power supply needed.

Petrol powered concrete vibration tools are very portable and have all the same uses as an electric concrete vibrator.

Here are a few of the best electric concrete vibration tools from

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Concrete Vibration Tool Safety

Concrete in the eyes is never fun and I would always recommend to use safety glasses when using a concrete vibration tool with wet concrete as it can splatter.

Use gloves if you are worried about your hands as working with concrete can dry out your skin.

Check out the Marshalltown concrete toolkit, great value, and best brand for concrete tools.

Marshalltown Premier Line ctk2 Tool Kit – Concrete Tools!

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